A Philly Minute with...Ryan Devlin
Name - Ryan Devlin
Club – Young Irelands
Position - Half forward
Sporting hero – Shane Heavron
Biggest achievement – 2010 all-Ireland minor champions
Favorite song – Meet Her at the Love Parade (Laidback Luke remix)
Any pre-match ritual – listening to music
Favorite TV show – Friday night lights
Favorite food – hangover food
Favorite Drink - triple raspberry vodka and Sprite
Favorite movie – Conor Mallon the movie
What Character in any movie are you most like - Tim Riggins
Three people you would invite to a dinner party - Tommy Tiernan, Kevin hart and Shane Heavron (3 comedians)
Ideal Holiday Destination- Philly
Best trainer on your team – Anthony Daly
Worst trainer on your team - Damien Butler
Best GAA moment - playing in Croke Park on all-Ireland Sunday
Best piece of advice you were ever given – end the fight before it starts 😉 'Stratts'
Where do you like to go out and celebrate after a big win - anywhere that I can get a few cold Fireballs
Any odd items in your football bag - Gareth Devlins clothes
Who’s the biggest joker on your team - Ruairi McGlone
Who spends most time in front of the mirror in the dressing room - Shane Heavron
Who’s the best/worst person to share a room with on away trips - best Liam Gervin worst Dwayne Quinn
Who’s the best/worst person to sit beside on the team bus - best Darren McCurry (tells some stories) worst Mark McReynolds (serious gambler)
Who has the best and who has the worst diet on the team, and what does it include - best Aaron Beattie doesn't eat chocolate/ worst Caelean Chipotle butler
Toughest opponent you have faced - Danny "The Hatchet" Mills (roasted Paul Manion)
Best part about playing in Philadelphia - Cawleys Sundays
Best ever performance - U12s game vs Edendork - I scored 12 points of Conor Mallon
One to forget - The week after that Conor Mallon scored 12 of me (hasn't scored since)
If there was a transfer market who’d be in and who’d be out of the team- James Lowe from Stewartstown would be in, he's a u21 county champion at the minute, Caelean Butler would be out because he's missing his girlfriend